Outsourced RCM

Managing accounts receivables, whether you work for a large or small practice, is one of the most complex and time-consuming tasks associated with running a medical practice. The fear associated with filing a claim is real; where billers sit on the edge of their seats waiting for claims to be either accepted, denied or rejected outright. The tedious process of entering confidential patient information and coding can also lead to burnout and requires a highly skilled employee.

Outsources RCM

Revenue Cycle Management

stat icon rejected claims

35% of denied claims are never worked

stat icon aging ar

Claims are 27% more likely to be paid if submitting within 7 days

stat icon decreasing cash flow

90% of denied claims are a result of submission errors

Get Started With A Free Accounts Receivable Analysis

RCM360 has created a custom AR analysis for your EHR application based on the many years of experience in developing new collections workflows and processes. It’s provided at no-cost and does not require a contract. Request your free AR analysis to get started and we will provide the following:

  • Opportunity Data Report – A snapshot of your account over the last two years. The Opportunity Data Report shows average charges, average payments, adjustments, claim counts, and more. It enables RCM360 to get an overall view of the current situation and make informed decisions on how to improve.
  • Opportunity Dashboard Report – The Dashboard Report provides details of your workflow process. It includes daily payment average, net collection rate, trending numbers, locked notes, and unlocked notes. It allows us to uncover red flags so we can provide a plan to address key issues.
  • Claim Activity Report – This report is custom report designed by RCM360. Within this report, we look at the payment on the claim, a denial on the claim, or a note on the claim.

There are many reasons claims fall through the cracks. Whether it’s a coding error or a lack of time to address aged receivables, RCM360 can help pinpoint the cause and work to rectify the situation through a custom AR analysis. Our clients enjoy 100 percent transparency as we work side-by-side within your EHR system, so you can see everything we do. Leverage our expertise while maintaining complete control over the complex RCM process.


    Staffing Challenges

    Like any business, the operation of a medical practice is highly dependent on having skilled, quality staff in place. Yet when it comes to billing, you may find challenges finding, retaining and managing these professionals. There’s a very niche area of knowledge and experience required to perform the job effectively.  RCM360 has this knowledge and passion, and we’re ready to leverage it on your behalf.

    Outsource your billing to RCM360 and avoid the many staffing challenges you may be facing in your practice:

    • You’re experiencing staff loss and high turnover. A recent study indicated an ever- increasing turnover rate in the health care industry, which has the second highest turnover rate of any industry in the US. This indicates that medical billing professionals are changing jobs now more than ever, and that poses problems for your billing and collections. You may find yourself in an endless cycle of finding qualified candidates, hiring, and training. This costs time, money, and lack of continuity for your practice.
    • You’re growing. Growth is a great thing, but it can also bring some pains. You may find that your current staff is stretched too thin to get claims filed in a timely manner. And if a rejection comes in, who knows where that will rank on your staff’s to-do list.
    • The talent pool is small. You’re seeking someone with a specific set of skills and talent who must have knowledge of both medical billing and coding. One minor error could result in rejection and delay of payment – or no payment at all.
    • You’re having trouble managing the billing staff. A growing team requires growing management needs. Someone must oversee day-to-day operations and time management, ensure the work is covered when a team member goes on vacation, deal with performance or relationship problems, hire, train, retain, educate, etc. If there’s not someone dedicated to this, things can quickly go awry for your practice’s billing.

    RCM360 can provide the hands-on services you need to not only get your billing back on track, clean up aging AR and increase your cash flow, we take the ongoing management of billing and collections off your hands so you can focus on running and growing your practice.